Supervised Group Homes

Supervised Group Homes

Supervised Group Homes

Supervised group homes are houses where a group of individuals live together in shared rooms and spaces. Most people living there have a disability, such as mental illness. People who live in group homes say they like the homelike atmosphere, being part of a supportive community of peers, help with medication and other parts of daily living. They say the people they live with become like family to them.

When choosing a group home, look for one that is clean, in good repair, reasonably landscaped, and appropriate accommodates the people who live there. It should have knowledgeable and caring staff members who are familiar with the unique needs of that group home’s residents. Check to make sure the home is licensed by the state of Tennessee here.

Eligibility for admission to group homes depends on the group home operator. Preference is often given to applicants who have a steady source of income (including SSI/SSDI), health insurance (including TennCare), and can provide complete and thorough medical histories (including up-to-date medication lists).

Click here to search for group homes in your area: Group Home Search

You may also click here to visit the Licensure section of the Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services.