Posted on May 12th, 2023
Wenesday, May 17, 2023 01:00 PM CST
A Psychiatric Advance Directive (PAD) is a legal document that details preferences for future mental health treatment, services, and supports. This webinar will present the core elements of a PAD, and the role and benefits of Peer Specialists facilitating and supporting their development. Learn why these documents are important for young people and how a PAD can support one’s recovery and interactions with the mental health system. Having a PAD can have positive impacts on one’s mental health and the types of crisis services received. PAD’s can be a helpful tool to ensure that your wishes are followed no matter what stage of life you are in- but particularly for a young person this is a pathway for self-direction and self-advocacy for one’s treatment options. This presentation will be led by peer specialists of whom are subject matter experts in peer facilitated PAD’s and youth peer support.